2024/2025 Grand Slam Sports Tournaments
abides by "National Federation" rules with the following exceptions:
Grand Slam has implemented a few rule changes, additions and/or clarifications starting with the SPRING-2025 season. PLEASE READ:
1. Pitchers in 8U KP through 12U will be allowed a MAXIMUM of 6-innings pitched per day in ANY event. Pitchers in 13U & 14U will be allowed a MAXIMUM of 7-innings pitched per day in ANY event. This change is in addition to the stated pitching rules listed below under PITCHING RULES. This rule does NOT change the TOTAL number of innings allowed in a event, only the number of innings allowed on a PER DAY basis. EX: If you are in a ONE-DAY event, no pitcher can pitch more than 6 or 7 innings in that ONE day regardless of the stated number of innings allowed in an "Event".
2. A team must have a MINIMUM of 8-players in order to start a game. A 9th player can be added at the BOTTOM of the lineup and when that particular batters turn at the plate comes up, it is an automatic out until the player shows up. If a team chooses to only play with 8-players for the entire game, the 9th spot at the bottom of the lineup is an automatic out for the entire game. If a team ever drops down to less than 8-players, the game immediately becomes a forfeit.
3. Any time a game is forfeited for any reason, the team who forfeits will be accessed the maximum allowed from a tiebreaker perspective. EX: Team is losing 7-3 in the 5th inning and team has to for whatever reason OR chooses to forfeit at this time. Forfeiting team will be assessed a -7 run differential, ZERO runs scored and 10-runs allowed. Official forfeit game scores will remain at either 6-0 or 7-0 depending on innings allowed in a particular age division. The website will not mirror this, however, directors will have the ability to override a team's placement for bracket seeding purposes.
4. If a coach OR player is ejected from a game for ANY reason, that particular coach or player will NOT be allowed to coach and/or participate in the team's next scheduled game. If a parent or spectator is ejected from a particular field for ANY reason, that particular parent or spectator must leave the park immediately and cannot return for the duration of the event.
5. In Double Elimination Brackets, the "IF" game will have it's specific age division time limit in place.
6. Grand Slam Sports Tournaments implemented a new rule known as the "Coaches/Umpires Line" rule in 2024. This rule remains a point of emphasis. NO coach or individual may cross the 1st or 3rd base foul line and enter the field of play at ANY time during a game unless they are doing a mound visit or attending to an incapacitated or injured player. There will be NO calling time and subsequently entering the field of play to argue an umpires call. You may ask for time and if time is granted you are allowed to go as far as the 1st or 3rd base foul line where at this time the umpire will address you, but he or she umpire will also not be allowed to cross the foul line towards your designated dugout. The purpose of this rule is to try and take away the "confrontational nature" of these type of incidents. The first offense of breaking this rule will be a warning and the coach then restricted to the dugout. Any subsequent offense will result in an automatic ejection for the duration of that particular game as well as the NEXT GAME the team is scheduled to play.
- ALL Grand Slam World Series, Grand Slam Future Prospects Summer/Winter Games & The Southeastern Championship events are NON-REFUNDABLE EVENTS regardless of when a team drops out. This rule supersedes all others below for these events.
- If a regular weekend tournament is completely cancelled due to weather or other Acts of God, each team will be refunded their entry fee minus a $125 administrative fee. There are a lot of expenses that go into promoting, planning and having everything ready for a tournament.
- If a team plays at least one game and the tournament is completely cancelled due to weather or other Acts of God, each team will refunded HALF of their entry fee. If a Grand Slam World Series event is cancelled after one game, half of the team's gate fee is refunded due to the up front expenses incurred in putting on this large event. Please see item #2 above related to Covid-19 which is handled completely separately.
- If a team completes their SECOND GAME and the tournament is completed cancelled due to weather or other Acts of God their will be NO refund. This also pertains to all Grand Slam World Series events.
- If a team drops out prior to 7-days from the official start of the tournament, the team will be refunded their entry fee MINUS a $125 administrative fee.
- If a team drops out of an event LESS THAN 7-days from the official start of the tournament, the team will receive NO REFUND.
- Sanction fees are NON REFUNDABLE for any reason.
2024/2025 GRAND SLAM TOURNAMENTS BASEBALL RULES (Grand Slam Sports Tournaments abides by "National Federation" rules for all age divisions with the following exceptions in the 9-U through 15-U age divisions. 16-U & 18-U age divisions will play strictly by NFHS rules)
PITCHING RULES: 8-INNINGS for 9-Under through 12-Under & 10-INNINGS for 13-15-UNDER in a regular weekend event. 14-INNINGS for 9-U through 15-U AGE DIVISIONS IN ALL WORLD SERIES EVENTS. NO pitching limitations for 16-U & 18-U teams. THERE ARE NO LIMITATIONS as to the number of innings a pitcher can pitch in a day and still pitch the next day. Pitchers in 8U KP through 12U will be allowed a MAXIMUM of 6-innings pitched per day in ANY event. Pitchers in 13U & 14U will be allowed a MAXIMUM of 7-innings pitched per day in ANY event. This change is in addition to the stated pitching rules listed below under PITCHING RULES. This rule does NOT change the TOTAL number of innings allowed in a event, only the number of innings allowed on a PER DAY basis. EX: If you are in a ONE-DAY event, no pitcher can pitch more than 6 or 7 innings in that ONE day regardless of the stated number of innings allowed in an "Event".
BATTING ORDER: You have 5-choices for your lineup: (1) Bat 9-straight, (2) Bat 9 with DH, (3) Bat 10/Play 9 with EH, (4) Play 10 or 11 with a EH and a DH or (5) Bat the entire roster (Continuous batting order with FREE Defensive Substitutions applies). If you do not have an eligible substitute to replace a player that is injured, ejected or cannot bat for any reason, it is an AUTOMATIC OUT when that players turn comes up in the batting order. EXCEPTION: If a player is injured or incapacitated where he cannot play the rest of the tournament, the lineup can be collapsed without penalty as long as a team does not fall below eight players. The coach will inform the umpire and that players name will be removed from the roster for the balance of the event. A team must have a MINIMUM of 8-players in order to start a game. A 9th player can be added at the BOTTOM of the lineup and when that particular batters turn at the plate comes up, it is an automatic out until the player shows up. If a team chooses to only play with 8-players for the entire game, the 9th spot at the bottom of the lineup is an automatic out for the entire game. If a team ever drops down to less than 8-players, the game immediately becomes a forfeit.
COURTESY RUNNERS: For the Pitcher AND Catcher ONCE they FIRST reach base! A courtesy runner will not be allowed if a pitch has been made to the next better. The courtesy runner MUST BE A LEGAL SUB currently NOT IN THE GAME, which includes STARTERS that have been substituted for but are eligible for re-entry. IF you are batting your entire roster, the courtesy runner MUST BE THE LAST BATTED OUT! If a team only has one substitute or only 1-out has been recorded, the courtesy runner will revert back to the last batted out if the substitute is on base or the last batter in the lineup if the last batted out is on base
MERCY RULE FOR ALL AGE DIVISIONS: 12 runs after 3 innings, 10 runs after 4 innings, 8 runs after 5 innings. Run Rule remains in effect in ALL Game’s, including CHAMPIONSHIP!
HEAD FIRST SLIDE: Head First slide is NOT allowed in 12-U age divisions & under when the player is wearing a helmet with a face guard; C-flap or chin strap. Players NOT wearing this type of helmet may slide head first. Head first slide is determined when a player is advancing towards a base. A team warning will be issued after the initial infraction. Any infraction thereafter will be deemed an out on the player violating this safety rule. This will be a delayed dead ball scenario.
FAKE BUNT/SWING RULE: A Fake Bunt and then Swing in age divisions 9-U through 13-U is NOT ALLOWED! Penalty for a fake bunt and then swing will result in an OUT! No contact with the ball is required for an out to be called.
HOME TEAM DETERMINATION: Home team is determined by flip of the coin at the home plate meeting. For Elimination games, the home team will be the HIGHEST SEEDED TEAM with the exception being in a Double Elimination bracket where the UNDEFEATED team in the championship game will be the home team regardless of seed. A coin toss will be done in the “IF” game in a Double Elimination bracket to determine the home team. The home team may have their choice of dugout, unless, the other team is currently occupying that dugout in a preceding game. The home team will furnish the official scorekeeper and the visiting team will furnish the scoreboard operator. NO game will start until there is an official book and scoreboard operator.
PROTESTS: There will be a $300.00 fee payable in cash for any protest. You can ONLY Protest a RULE INTERPRETATION or PLAYER ELIGIBILITY and protest must be made before the game officially ends. If a birth certificate is requested during a game by a tournament director, it must be provided NO LATER than the end of the game it is requested. Failure to comply will result in a forfeit of that particular game only. Birth Certificates will be viewed by Tournament Director ONLY as we will NOT make birth certificates visible to anyone other than the parent/guardian of the player, the player's head coach and the tournament director if necessary.
UNIFORMS: Uniforms of all team members should be of the same color and style. Duplicate jersey numbers are highly discouraged. Any uniform discrepancy must be brought up at the plate meeting prior to the start of the game. The umpire(s) will determine if a team can gain advantage based on a uniform violation. If in the umpire's judgement he/she deems the players dress to be inappropriate, the player can be removed from the game until he/she conforms with the requirements set forth.
BATS: Grand Slam will go with the following bat rule for the 2024/2025 Season. Must be a baseball bat. All bats made completely of wood, that are not altered or defective are legal. BBCOR certified bats are legal unless otherwise banned by the NFHS Association. All other bats must be stamped 1.15 BPF or have a certified BESR rating imprint. Age groups 8-U through 12-U do not have a restriction on the weight/length ratio for non-wood bats. The 13-U age division for ALL GRAND SLAM EVENTS must swing either a -5 stamped 1.15 BPF or have a certified BESR rating imprint bat or -3 non wood bat that must be BBCOR certified. This applies to ALL GRAND SLAM SANCTIONED EVENTS, regardless of where it is held, NO exceptions! 14-U through 18-u age divisions must use -3 bats that are either BESR, 1.15 BPF or BBCOR certified. The penalty for use of an illegal bat will be governed by NFHS rules. A player must swing a bat that is required in a particular age division when playing in that particular age division (EX: A 12U eligible player playing UP in the 13U age division must swing a -5; a 13U eligible player playing UP in the 14U age division must swing a -3, etc…) The ONLY exception is IF a player is a grade exception player, example: a 13U eligible player playing on a 12U team due to the grade exception rule, this player will need to swing a -5 bat since he is a 13U eligible player from an age standpoint (Playing down) as he will NOT be allowed to swing a 12U eligible bat (-10). The same applies if a 14U eligible player is playing on a 13U team due to the grade exception rule, this player will need to swing a -3 bat since he is a 14U eligible player playing DOWN and NOT a -5 bat. This will apply to ALL age divisions with grade exception players.
GAME LENGTH/OFFICIAL GAME: 8-U through 10-U = 6 innings or 1:30; 11-U & 12-U = 6-innings or 1:40; 13-U through 18-U = 7-innings or 1:45. NO DROP DEAD TIME LIMIT! ALL State Directors will have the option of setting their OWN game time limits for each individual age division. No game will be played out after time limit or inning limit. In elimination play, games have to be played out until there is a winner! When time limit is up & home team is batting & home team is ahead, the game is over regardless of score! We will NOT complete the inning. The Final score is the score at the end of the time limit! Umpires will keep official time. From August 1st to June 1st we will stick with the individual age division time limit for ALL games including the Championship game to try and avoid late finishes on a Sunday night prior to a school day on Monday. From June 1-August 31 we will have NO time limits on Championship games. Tournament Directors will also have the option of starting a game early if the event is running ahead of time. ALWAYS be prepared to start at least 30-minutes prior to posted game times. In Double Elimination Brackets, the "IF" game will have it's specific age division time limit in place at all times.
OFFICIAL GAME: In the event of natural occurrences to include weather, field conditions, or any other situation that causes a game to be STOPPED and it can not be physically or reasonably continued, the game will be considered an official game if the teams have played 3 1/2 innings with the Home Team winning or 4 complete innings if the Home Team was losing after 3 1/2 innings. If stoppage is required after the 4th inning, the winner will be determined based on the last inning both teams completed an equal number of times at bat. For instance, if the Visitors are batting in the top of the 5th and they score 3 runs to go up 5 to 4, if the game is STOPPED, the Home Team will be declared the winner because at the bottom of the 4th, they were winning, 4 - 2. This is based on a STOPPED game that cannot be completed for various reasons to include time constraints, not a POSTPONED or DELAYED game that can be continued. If stoppage is required before a game can be considered "official", and the game cannot be continued: During pool pay OR bracket play, the team winning after the last complete inning (that was played) will be considered the winner UNLESS the Home team takes the lead in the bottom of the inning that the game was stopped. Example: Visitors lead 3-2 and do NOT score in top of 2nd inning, home team takes the lead 4-3 in bottom of the 2nd but game is stopped prior to the inning being completed; final score is 4-3 in favor of the home team. Only Tournament and/or Site Directors can STOP a game and consider it an official game. Games that are NOT started and are officially cancelled will go down as a 0-0 tie. Any time a game is forfeited for any reason, the team who forfeits will be accessed the maximum allowed from a tiebreaker perspective. EX: Team is losing 7-3 in the 5th inning and team has to for whatever reason OR chooses to forfeit at this time. Forfeiting team will be assessed a -7 run differential, ZERO runs scored and 10-runs allowed. Official forfeit game scores will remain at either 6-0 or 7-0 depending on innings allowed in a particular age division. The website will not mirror this, however, directors will have the ability to override a team's placement for bracket seeding purposes.
BASEBALLS: Each team must provide (2) two new baseballs per game. Grand Slam will provide 2-New Wilson 1030 baseballs for all games in the 2025 WORLD SERIES. It is the responsibility of each team to shag foul balls during a game.
TIE BREAKERS: Games can end in a tie in EVERY GAME except ELIMINATION GAMES! In Elimination games, IF a game is tied after the time limit has expired or all regulation innings have been played, whichever comes first, the International tie-breaker will be utilized by placing the last batted out on 2nd base to start the inning with no outs. Tie Breakers for seeding purposes are as follows: 1. Head-to-Head (ONLY when 2-TEAMS are TIED, IF multiple teams are tied, head to head CANNOT be used, please see below), 2. Least Runs Allowed, 3. Run Differential (7-Run Max), 4. Most Runs Scored (10-Runs Max) and 5. Coin Toss. In the event of a 3 or more way tie, we will determine the Highest Seed using the aforementioned tie-breakers and after the WORST team according to these tie breakers has been eliminated and seeded, we will then revert back to the FIRST tie-breaker and go from there. (EX: FIVE teams tied at 1-1 after pool play, the team among these five that allowed the MOST runs will be the #5 seed among the 5-tied teams. Now we are down to four teams, the team that allowed the MOST runs will be the #4 seed among the 4-tied teams. Now we are down to three teams. The team that allowed the MOST runs will be the #3 seed among the 3-tied teams. Now we are down to two teams. IF the two teams played, we will now revert back and use HEAD TO HEAD. IF the two tied teams did NOT play, head to head still can't be used and thus the team that allowed the most runs among these final two teams will be the #2 seed and the team left is the the #1 seed.) This will allow us to use Head-to-Head as a tie-breaker once we get down to 2-teams. Note, Head-to-Head will ONLY be used once we are down to the FINAL two teams in the event of a 3-or more way tie.
NO-SHOW TEAMS RULE: IF a team that is entered in an event no-shows without prior notice and this team's games are then counted as forfeits for their opponents in pool play, this no-show team will AUTOMATICALLY be the LAST/LOWEST SEED in bracket play. Example: If there are 8-teams in a bracket, this no-show team would be seeded #8 REGARDLESS of any other tie-breaker rule.
CONDUCT: If a coach OR player is ejected from a game for ANY reason, that particular coach or player will NOT be allowed to coach and/or participate in the team's next scheduled game. If a parent or spectator is ejected from a particular field for ANY reason, that particular parent or spectator must leave the park immediately and cannot return for the duration of the event.
AGE CONTROL (***Home Schooled players are NOT eligible to be a Grade Exemption player)
18U Division
Players who turn 19 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are a senior in High School. Also, any player
turning 20 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. ONLY 2 school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 12th grade who turn 19 years old before May 1st, 2025.
17U Division
Players who turn 18 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible, Also, any player turning 19 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. ONLY 2 school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 11th grade who turn 18 years old before May 1st, 2025.
16U Division
Players who turn 17 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible, Also, any player turning 18 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. ONLY 2 school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 10th grade who turn 17 years old before May 1st, 2025.
15U Division
Players who turn 16 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. Also, any player turning 17 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. ONLY 2 school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 9th grade who turn 16 years old before May 1st, 2025.
14U Division
Players who turn 15 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. Also, any player turning 16 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. ONLY 2 school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 8th grade who turn 15 years old before May 1st, 2025.
13U Division
Players who turn 14 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. Also, any player turning 15 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. ONLY 2 school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 7th grade who turn 14 years old before May 1st, 2025.
12U Division
Players who turn 13 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. Also, any player turning 14 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. ONLY 2 school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 6th grade who turn 13 years old before May 1st, 2025.
11U Division
Players who turn 12 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. Also, any player turning 13 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. ONLY 2 school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 5th grade who turn 12 years old before May 1st, 2025.
10U Division
Players who turn 11 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible . Also, any player turning 12 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. ONLY 2 school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 4th grade who turn 11 years old before May 1st, 2025.
9U Division
Players who turn 10 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. Also, any player turning 11 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. ONLY 2 school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 3rd grade who turn 10 years old before May 1st, 2025.
8U Division
Players who turn 9 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. Also, any player turning 10 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. ONLY 2 school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 2nd grade who turn 9 years old before May 1st, 2025.
7U Division
Players who turn 8 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. Also, any player turning 9 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. ONLY 2 school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 1st grade who turn 8 years old before May 1st, 2025.
TEAM INSURANCE: Grand Slam Sports Tournaments encourages each team to have their own team insurance policy.
STEEL SPIKES/ILLEGAL PLAYERS: ALLOWED ONLY in 13-U AGE DIVISION AND ABOVE & USE OF AN ILLEGAL PLAYER or the use of an ILLEGAL PITCHER in a game will result in immediate forfeiture of that particular game only.
8U KP age divisions play on fields with 40-foot pitching rubber and 60-foot bases.
9U & 10U age divisions play on fields with 46 foot pitching rubber and 65 foot bases.
11U & 12U age divisions play on fields with 50 foot pitching rubber and 70 foot bases.
13U age division play on EITHER 54 foot pitching rubber and 80 foot bases OR 60 foot pitching rubber and 90 foot bases. Each Tournament Director has the authority to determine which field size to use in their respective 13U events.
14U & up play on 60 foot pitching rubber and 90 foot bases.
AWARDS: IN THE EVENT OF RAIN where play CANNOT be completed, Awards will be given based on TEAM SEEDING relative to either side of the bracket at the time the tournament is called off unless the game in progress at the time of postponement is an official game where 3 ½ innings have been completed or falls under the official game rules listed above.
ORGANIZATION PROTECTION IN BRACKET PLAY: WORLD SERIES EVENTS ONLY, Grand Slam will provide organizational protection in bracket play when teams are seeded from the same organization and have to face each other in the first round of bracket play ONLY. Example: Ripzz Baseball has two 13U teams in a 12-team bracket. Ripzz White is seeded #7 after pool play and Ripzz Black is seeded #10. They would be scheduled to play each other in the first round of bracket play. In this case we will seed Ripzz Black #11 and move the original #11 seed into the #10 seed. Organizations must make Grand Slam staff aware of multiple teams in an age division PRIOR to the event for this protection to take place.
Effective for the 2024/2025 season, the following bats are ILLEGAL in ALL Grand Slam Sports Tournaments. The CFZEN -10 2 ¾’ barrel bat (WTDXCBZ-18) has been granted continued approval by Grand Slam Sports Tournaments.
Effective immediately, this bat (33" length Louisville Slugger Meta composite bat) should be considered a non-compliant bat. Pursuant to NFHS Baseball Rules 1-3-2d and 7-4-1a. The manufacturer has been advised that it has the right to appeal this decision. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact B. Elliot Hopkins, NFHS Baseball Rules Editor/National Interpreter at (ehopkins@nfhs.org) or the NFHS headquarters.
Marucci | Cat5 MCB2 33/30 BBCOR | |
Nike | BT0636 CX2 | light grey |
DeMarini | 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) | WTDXCBR 2129-17 |
29?/21 oz | ||
DeMarini | 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) | WTDXCBR 2230-17 |
30?/22 oz | ||
DeMarini | 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) | WTDXCBR 2331-17 |
31?/23 oz | ||
DeMarini | 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) | WTDXCBR 2432-17 |
32?/24 oz | ||
DeMarini | 2017 CF Zen SL 2 3/4? (-10) | WTDXCBZ 1828-17 |
28? /18 oz | ||
DeMarini | 2017 CF Zen SL 2 3/4? (-10) | WTDXCBZ 1929-17 |
29? /19 oz | ||
DeMarini | 2017 CF Zen SL 2 3/4? (-10) | WTDXCBZ 2030-17 |
30?/20 oz | ||
DeMarini | 2017 CF Zen SL 2 3/4? (-10) | WTDXCBZ 2131-17 |
31?/21 oz | ||
DeMarini | 2017 CF Zen SL 2 3/4? (-10) | WTDXCBZ 2232-17 |
32?/22 oz | ||
DeMarini | 2017 CF Zen Zero Dark 2 3/4? (-10) | WTDXCBZ 1929-17F1 |
29?/19 oz | ||
DeMarini | 2017 CF Zen Zero Dark 2 3/4? (-10) | WTDXCBZ 2030-17F1 |
30?/20 oz | ||
DeMarini | Custom 2017 CF Zen 2 3/4? (-10) | WTDCCBZ17V |
DeMarini | Custom 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) | WTDCCBR17V |
Dirty South | Kamo BB KA 8 (30/22, 31/21, 32/22, 31/23, 32/24 only) | |
Easton | Ghost X (30/20 only) – (USA BASEBALL MARKED) | YBB18GX10 30/20 LL18GHX 30/20 Japanese |
ROSTERS (ALL WORLD SERIES & STATE TOURNAMENT teams Rosters FREEZE on JUNE 1 (midnight of May 31) of the current season
- EVERY TEAM that participates in a Grand Slam event is REQUIRED to HAVE AN ONLINE ROSTER. Each player listed on your roster must also have a corresponding birth certificate that you should ALWAYS HAVE ON HAND at the tournament in the event of a player eligibility protest. FAILURE to provide birth certificates if requested will result in immediate forfeiture of that particular game only. You have until the end of the particular game that Birth Certificates are requested to provide them. Each player on your roster must be approved by a parent/guardian. Once a player is listed on your roster, each parent/guardian is sent an email to verify and approve their child's participation on your team! Any illegal player, which also constitutes an illegal pitcher that is used in a game, and after protested is found to indeed be illegal will result in that player and his/her respective team being forfeited from that particular game only. IF all players are viewable in admin by the respective Tournament Director, the player(s) are considered legal. This could happen if by chance a parent/guardian does not have access to email in order to approve the player.
- A team may ADD up to THREE additional (3) players to this roster at any time prior to June 15 of the current season for all WS & State events. A team may REPLACE up to THREE (3) players to this roster at any time prior to June 15 for WS I & II; June 25 for WS III and July 15 for WS IV of the current season. A REPLACED player comes off the roster TOTALLY and cannot participate.
- Roster limits are 24-players.
- Once a player is FROZEN on a team’s roster, that player may NOT be listed on another team’s roster or be eligible to play for another team in a Grand Slam Event IN THE SAME AGE DIVISION unless the manger from the original team RELEASES that player. This must be done in writing to Grand Slam Tournaments. IF a player has played on multiple teams in Grand Slam events leading up the World Series, that player may choose which team's roster he would like to be frozen to.
- A player may become a “PICK-UP” player for another team, other than his original team, IF the player’s original team is not participating in the same event that the team he has “PICKED UP” with. IF this team qualifies for the World Series, this player MAY NOT be included on this team’s FROZEN ROSTER unless the player’s ORIGINAL team releases him.
- A player who is FROZEN on a team’s roster does NOT have to be released IF this player goes to play for another team in another age division, provided he/she is eligible to play in another age division.
- A player may NOT play on TWO different teams in TWO different or same age divisions in the same Grand Slam sanctioned tournament. A player may NOT play on TWO different teams in TWO different or same age divisions on the same weekend/week in a Grand Slam sanctioned event, regardless of the location or whether it is TWO separate events (Ex: Saturday only event and/or Sunday only event and/or Friday-Sunday or Saturday-Sunday event in two different cities, etc...)
- EVERY PLAYER, regardless of whether they are a pick-up player, regular player or whatever, THEY MUST APPEAR on a team's roster in order to be a legal participant for that team in the event that team is participating in.
- A player may appear as a guest player up to 5-teams in a season ONLY.
*State Directors reserve the right to make their roster freeze date to whatever they feel is best for their State and/or events. This includes the State Tournaments.
2024/2025 Grand Slam Sports Tournaments 8-U CP RULES
- A regulation team consists of nine players. You have 4-choices for your lineup: (1) Bat 9-straight, (2) Bat 9 with DH, (3) Bat 10/Play 9 with EH or (4) Bat the entire lineup (Continuous batting order with FREE Defensive Substitutions applies). A team must start the game with at least 9-players but can finish a game with 8-players. LINEUPS ARE ONLY COLLAPSIBLE if a player is incapacitated during a game and will not be available for the balance of the event. If you do not have an eligible substitute to replace a player that is injured, ejected or cannot bat for any reason, it is an AUTOMATIC OUT when that players turn comes up in the batting order. The official Grand Slam lineup card must reflect the option chosen and ALL eligible substitutes MUST BE LISTED. If a player is NOT listed on the lineup card, to include substitutes, they will NOT be eligible to play in that particular game
- Teams can use either nine or 10 defensive players. One player must play the pitching position, and one player must play the catching position. For teams using 10 defensive players, four players must play outfield positions.
- Teams must have a minimum of eight players to start and finish a game but must take an out for the ninth player. If the lineup drops below eight players, the game is declared a forfeit at that point with the final score being the score at the time of the forfeit UNLESS the team that has to forfeit is winning the game at the time, in this case, the final score becomes 6-0 in favor of the team that did not forfeit.
- 8U CP is played as an open division in all World Series events. Time limit for all 8U CP games will be 1:15.
- There is a 30-foot safety arc from the back tip of home plate and from the first-base line to the third-base line. A ball must pass this line to be considered as a ball in play (fair ball)
- Fielders must stay beyond the arc until the ball is hit.
- There is a pitching plate 40 feet from the tip of home plate from which the coach may pitch from or a coach can choose to pitch inside the pitchers circle as long as one foot remains inside circle when pitch is thrown.
- There is a circle drawn with a 10’ radius with the pitching rubber in the middle. This equates to the front of the circle being at 30-foot, the pitchers plate at 40-foot and the back for the circle at 50-foot from home plate This is a safety area for the player in the pitching position. The defensive player listed as the pitcher cannot leave the pitching circle until the ball is hit. If the pitcher leaves the circle early, the play continues. After the play has ended, the offensive team has the option of taking the result of the play or accepting a no-pitch and ruling of the play as over. If this occurs a second time by the same pitcher, that player is removed from the pitching position for the remainder of that inning. If it occurs any time after that by the same player, then he or she is removed from the pitching mound the remainder of the game.
- Each batter is allowed six pitches or three strikes. If a batter hits a foul ball on the sixth pitch, he or she is allowed to continue batting until he or she either does not make contact with the ball or puts the ball in play. NO Intentional walks are allowed!
- There are a maximum of seven runs or three outs per inning.
- A fair batted ball hitting a coach pitcher is declared a foul ball if the umpire rules that the coach pitcher’s contact with the ball was unintentional. If, in the umpire’s judgment, a coach pitcher intentionally makes contact with a batted ball, the batter is out, and no runner can advance.
- Bunting is NOT allowed.
- Umpires call time after every play and declare the ball dead. Time should be called as soon as all three of the following occur:
- The lead runner stops attempting to advance.
- The ball is in the possession of a fielder in the infield.
- No defensive play is imminent.
2024/2025 Grand Slam Sports Tournaments 8-U KP RULES
1. 1:30 time
limit or 6 innings. When time has expired and a team is mathematically eliminated then the game is over.
2. 7 runs max
per inning
3. Pitchers limited to 6 innings for the weekend, counted by thirds (an out is a third). In WS events, pitchers limited to 10-TOTAL innings for the week counted by thirds. Pitchers in 8U KP through 12U will be allowed a MAXIMUM of 6-innings pitched per day in ANY event. Pitchers in 13U & 14U will be allowed a MAXIMUM of 7-innings pitched per day in ANY event. This change is in addition to the stated pitching rules listed below under PITCHING RULES. This rule does NOT change the TOTAL number of innings allowed in a event, only the number of innings allowed on a PER DAY basis. EX: If you are in a ONE-DAY event, no pitcher can pitch more than 6 or 7 innings in that ONE day regardless of the stated number of innings allowed in an "Event".
4. No infield
fly rule
5. No drop
third strike rule
6. Base stealing is allowed. Baserunners must remain on the base until the ball reaches home plate before they steal. Once a player reaches 3rd base, the ONLY way they can score is to be batted in or forced home on a bases loaded walk. A player that steals 2nd can advance to 3rd on the same play, of course he is in jeopardy of being tagged out. However, if there are runners on 1st and 3rd he can only advance to 2nd since the runner occupying 3rd cannot advance home until the ball is hit. The ball is always in play unless time has been called by an umpire.
7. If a player leaves a base early, a dead ball will be called immediately and a no pitch declared. Players will return to the previous bag they occupied and the count on the batter remains the same.
8. Pitchers mound set at 40-feet and bases set at 60-feet.
9. Balk rules do NOT apply.