2021 SUPER SLAM #4
Super Slam events are just
that..events...huge award
packages, & so much more!
- All teams will play in their correct class if #'s allow...
- Local teams should be prepared to play Friday night.
- 2 pool games, single elimination.
- Teams who sign up early will get scheduling preferences.
- $8 per day gate fee
Super Slam Award Package Includes
- Custom Super Slam Rings for 1st & 2nd place
- 1st Place Team Banner
- 1st place T shirts for the players
- Entry Fee Free Into Next Grand Slam Tournament for 1st place & half off entry in next Grand Slam Tournament for 2nd place. THIS CAN NOT BE USED IN A STATE TOURNAMENT EVENT!!!!!!!!!!!
Help us to make this a great event...events that have early sign ups are the most successful...get signed up today!
Contact Mike Narmour, Dell Daves, or Gary Leathers