Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Alabaster, AL

Veterans Park Alabaster

World Series Cook out and Skills event

Jun 7, 2024

Sign up for the skills event and cookout!!!

Around The Horn:

There will be 6 players involved in this event. Pitcher, catcher, 3rd base, shortstop, 2nd base and 1st base. Pitcher will start by standing in the circle and throwing the ball to the catcher. Catcher to third baseman (standing on the bag). 3rd baseman to 2nd baseman who is standing in her normal position. 2nd baseman to the shortstop who is standing in her normal position. Shortstop to 1st baseman who is standing on the bag and 1st baseman to the catcher standing on home plate. This event will be timed. Each team will have 2 times trials which we will write down the best score. 

Accuracy Throw:

This is a fairly easy event to explain. We will have one of the foldable signs (3'X2') sitting on the grass 30 yards away and you will designate 1 girl from your team who will get 5 attempts to hit the sign. Hitting the sign in the air will count as 5 points. Hitting thesign on a bounce will count as 3 points. Hitting thesign on a roll will count as 1 point. The girl with themost points will win. If there is a tie in an age group, there will be a throw-off. 


You will designate 2 girls from your team to compete in this event. One girl will run around the bases first as the second girl waits until she touches home plate. Once the 1st girl touches home plate, the second girl will then run around the bases. The quickest time in each age group will win the event. 

This is not a mandatory event but even if you as coaches aren't able to make it, your team is more than welcome to come. There is no charge for this event but we will have a gate selling passes to get into the gate Saturday and Sunday if you would like to get ahead of the game. We look forward to seeing everyone! 
