Grand Slam Sports Tournaments
MS - Clinton
CBA Reds 10U
10 & Under A
W-L-T 5-14-1
Win % .275
Avg Finish 6.00
Ranking Points 39
Avg Runs Scored 6.00
Avg Runs Allowed 9.30
Avg Runs Difference -3.30
Runs Scored 120
Runs Allowed 186
vs. Classes
9U-AAA 0-1-0
10U-A 5-4-1
10U-AA 0-8-0
10U-AAA 0-1-0
Place Date Event Division W-L-T
6 9/16/2023 Central MS - Fall Classic - Presented by Triple Play Sports 10U-A 1-2-0
9 9/30/2023 Central MS - Fall Turf Wars - Presented by Triple Play Sports 10U-A 0-2-1
12 2/23/2024 Central MS - MP3 Select Series featuring Mark Paul - Presented by Triple Play Sports 10U-A 0-3-0
3 3/2/2024 Central MS - Clash in Clinton - Saturday Only - Presented by Triple Play Sports 10U-A 1-2-0
6 4/6/2024 Central MS - One Day Rookie Rumble - Single A Only - Saturday Only - Presented by Triple Play Sports 10U-A 1-2-0
2 4/26/2024 Central MS - Doubles & Dingers - Presented by Triple Play Sports 10U-A 2-3-0
# Player Age Status
Preston Burrow 10 and 9 months Active
Asher Cooley 11 and 4 months Active
Noah Curtis 11 and 4 months Active
Gunnar Fults 11 and 3 months Active
Nicholas Gandy 11 and 1 month Active
John Harding 11 and 9 months Active
Max Henry 11 and 9 months Active
Alexander Miles 11 and 0 months Active
Jackson Steadman 11 and 5 months Active
Jack Stephens 11 and 7 months Active
Bryson Tranberg 11 and 6 months Active
Nash Whitley 11 and 1 month Active
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
6 4 1-2-0 6 4.33 9.33 -5.00
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 9/16 9:00 AM Pearl Pirate Park 5 6 CBA Reds 10U 5 Bombers
Game #2 9/16 12:20 PM Pearl Pirate Park 5 5 CBA Reds 10U 16 Mississippi Bruisers
Game #3 9/17 3:20 PM Pearl Pirate Park 2 2 CBA Reds 10U 7 Bombers
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
9 3 0-2-1 7 4.67 10.00 -5.33
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 9/30 2:00 PM Quarry 4 7 CBA Reds 10U 7 Knights Knation 10u Snell
Game #2 9/30 3:40 PM Quarry 4 4 CBA Reds 10U 18 PYB Elite 9
Game #3 10/1 12:00 PM Pearl Pirate Park 4 3 CBA Reds 10U 5 MS Cardinals
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
12 3 0-3-0 10 5.67 10.67 -5.00
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 2/23 6:30 PM Flowood Liberty Park 4 2 CBA Reds 10U 9 Brandon Muddawgs (Herrod)
Game #2 2/23 8:10 PM Flowood Liberty Park 4 10 CBA Reds 10U 11 Brandon Red Sox
Game #3 2/24 8:00 PM Pearl Pirate Park 5 5 CBA Reds 10U 12 Mississippi Cubs
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
3 5 1-2-0 11 5.67 7.33 -1.67
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 3/2 12:30 PM Clinton Traceway Parks BB8 11 CBA Reds 10U 12 MS Mustangs
Game #2 3/2 3:30 PM Clinton Traceway Parks BB9 6 CBA Reds 10U 5 MS Cardinals
Game #3 3/2 6:30 PM Clinton Traceway Parks BB9 0 CBA Reds 10U 5 MS Mustangs
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
6 8 1-2-0 17 8.00 5.67 2.33
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 4/6 9:00 AM Clinton Traceway Parks BB10 2 CBA Reds 10U 5 Knights Knation- 10U Reed
Game #2 4/6 10:40 AM Clinton Traceway Parks BB10 5 CBA Reds 10U 7 VZ Pirates
Game #3 4/6 3:40 PM Clinton Traceway Parks BB10 17 CBA Reds 10U 5 MS Cardinals
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
2 16 2-3-0 13 7.00 11.40 -4.40
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 4/27 3:00 PM Shiloh Park 1 9 CBA Reds 10U 15 Knights Elite Baseball
Game #2 4/27 4:40 PM Shiloh Park 1 6 CBA Reds 10U 15 VZ Pirates
Game #3 4/28 12:00 PM Pearl Pirate Park 5 6 CBA Reds 10U 5 MS Cardinals
Game #4 4/28 3:20 PM Pearl Pirate Park 2 13 CBA Reds 10U 9 Knights Elite Baseball
Game #5 4/28 5:00 PM Pearl Pirate Park 2 1 CBA Reds 10U 13 VZ Pirates