Grand Slam Sports Tournaments
AL - Birmingham
USA Prime Southeast- Cybak
12 & Under AA
W-L-T 17-12-0
Win % .586
Avg Finish 5.00
Ranking Points 84
Avg Runs Scored 6.79
Avg Runs Allowed 5.59
Avg Runs Difference 1.21
Runs Scored 197
Runs Allowed 162
vs. Classes
12U-A 2-0-0
12U-AA 13-11-0
12U-AAA 2-1-0
Place Date Event Division W-L-T
6 3/2/2024 Giving Back to the Game - Ages 7U to 12U 12U 2-1-0
4 3/9/2024 Touch'Em ALL - Ages 7U to 13U 12U 2-1-0
2 3/30/2024 Glory to the King - Saturday Only - Calera, AL 12U 3-2-0
8 4/6/2024 Bases Loaded sponsored by Se7ensports - Ages 7U to 14U 12U 1-2-0
5 4/27/2024 Slides to the Winners! Ages 7U to 12U 12U 1-2-0
3 6/1/2024 Alabama State Tournament - Ages 7U to 13U 12U 2-1-0
# Player Age Status
Hayden Alexander 13 and 5 months Active
Mason Blackerby 13 and 8 months Active
David Brown 13 and 1 month Active
Lilah Cybak 13 and 5 months Active
Dustin Denton 13 and 9 months Active
Bennett Griffin 13 and 6 months Pending
Grayson Haley 13 and 0 months Active
Easton Pulver 13 and 8 months Active
Hayden Stacey 13 and 5 months Active
Bryant Stewart 13 and 9 months Active
Wyatt Wills 13 and 0 months Active
Cooper Worsham 13 and 0 months Active
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
6 28 2-1-0 6 3.67 4.67 -1.00
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 3/2 3:30 PM Bowers Park 5 6 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 3 Revolution Elite Dawgs - Snipes
Game #2 3/2 5:30 PM Bowers Park 6 4 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 2 D3 12U
Game #3 3/3 12:00 PM Bowers Park 6 1 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 9 Revolution Elite Dawgs - Snipes
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
4 9 2-1-0 11 7.67 4.33 3.33
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 3/9 10:30 AM Chelsea Sports Complex 4 11 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 1 CBC 12u Dambro
Game #2 3/9 12:30 PM Chelsea Sports Complex 4 5 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 4 Five Star Mafia 12u
Game #3 3/10 3:30 PM Chelsea Sports Complex 4 7 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 8 Legends
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
2 18 3-2-0 11 6.80 5.60 1.20
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 3/30 1:30 PM Eagle Park 1 8 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 5 Prattville Panthers
Game #2 3/30 3:30 PM Eagle Park 1 4 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 3 Legends
Game #3 3/30 5:30 PM Eagle Park 1 3 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 4 Valor 12u
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
8 8 1-2-0 10 6.67 5.33 1.33
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 4/6 9:00 AM Eagle Park `6 10 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 12 CBC Chelsea
Game #2 4/6 11:00 AM Eagle Park 8 9 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 2 Chelsea Hornets OG
Game #3 4/7 11:00 AM Eagle Park 1 1 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 2 Prattville Predators
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
11 16 1-2-0 9 6.67 7.33 -0.67
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 4/20 5:00 PM Veterans Park Alabaster 5 3 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 5 Warriors Baseball - Dyson
Game #2 4/20 7:00 PM Veterans Park Alabaster 5 8 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 6 D3 12U
Game #3 4/21 1:00 PM Veterans Park Alabaster 4 9 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 11 D3 12U
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
5 5 1-2-0 9 5.33 7.00 -1.67
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 4/27 10:00 AM Bowers Park 6 9 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 2 Homewood Patriots
Game #2 4/27 12:00 PM Bowers Park 5 2 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 12 12u Future Prospects
Game #3 4/28 10:00 AM Bowers Park 5 5 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 7 USA Prime Alabama 12u Red
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
3 2-1-0 10 6.00 3.67 2.33
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 6/2 10:00 AM Bowers Park 7 8 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 5 North Alabama Sounds
Game #2 6/2 12:00 PM Bowers Park 7 10 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 2 Homewood Elite
Game #3 6/2 6:00 PM Bowers Park 7 0 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 4 STIX
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
1 5-1-0 20 9.17 6.17 3.00
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 6/25 12:00 PM The Publix Sports Park 7 9 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 6 Oakleaf Knights
Game #2 6/25 2:00 PM The Publix Sports Park 7 3 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 10 Tennessee Generals
Game #3 6/26 2:00 PM The Publix Sports Park 7 20 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 2 Blues 12 Prime
Game #4 6/27 3:00 PM The Publix Sports Park 6 4 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 3 Buckhead Bombers 12U
Game #5 6/28 2:00 PM The Publix Sports Park 7 9 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 8 Blues 12 Elite
Game #6 6/29 10:00 AM The Publix Sports Park 6 10 USA Prime Southeast- Cybak 8 Blues 12 Elite